Why Your Success Never FEELS Like Success
Most things in life come down to balance.
Actually, I believe everything in life comes down to balance.
And yes, you can quote me on that.
It’s so simple to see but hard to implement.
There is no dark without light.
There is no good without bad.
There is no pretty without ugly.
The universe is built on balance, and we should be too.
We often want to grow and find success in life by going to the extreme.
I want to be rich, so I’ll drop all social activities and only work on business.
I want to be a fit and look good so I go to the most extreme no carb diet I can find.
There’s no denying that extreme measures, create fast and major results.
The problem is that extreme measures come with extreme costs.
We should make it a habit to find the balance in our goals and the efforts we put forth toward them.
This might seem really difficult but it’s much simpler than you than think.
When you hear friends and family asking why you’ve missed every Thanksgiving for the last 5 years straight to work on business… don’t ignore it.
When you’re passed out on the gym floor because you’ve eaten a measly 12 carbs for the whole week, take a long look in the mirror.
What you want to accomplish in life should never come at the sacrifice of your health, wellness, or happiness.
And there’s one way I can promise you that leads to unhappiness…
Life is a game of balance.
Get good at keeping things level.
There’s no end result that will be fulfilling or worth it if you’ve destroyed the rest of your life in the process.
It’s the reason why billionaires wish they could find true love.
It’s the reason why the fittest people on earth wish they could enjoy more delicious home cooked meals.
It’s the reason why your school valedictorian wishes they spent more time going to parties and being a teen.
There is no one answer.
And there definitely is no right answer.
The right answer is balance.
Find it and keep it.
That’s the key to life success.
Absolutely everything comes down…
In progress,
Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at wip.email