Why You Should Write Every Day For One Year

3 min readJan 18, 2023


Creating content is one of the most generic pieces of advice thrown around these days.

“If you create content you’ll become famous and everyone will like you.”

Maybe people aren’t saying that word for word, but that’s pretty much the message.

Everyone wants to be famous, so everyone should be creating content.

However me and you know, that everyone DOESN’T want to be famous.

There’s a thousand and one reasons not to have the whole world know who are you.

A topic for another day.

But when it comes to making content, there are many reasons to get into it.

Getting famous definitely shouldn’t be one of them.

I believe creating content can do so much more than what we think is possible.

Even more, I think writing can unlock so many benefits we would never think of.

And realistically speaking, it’s not even the writing alone that is super helpful.

The super benefits come from the consistency.

If you write every day for one year, you will uncover some life-changing benefits.

The first benefit from writing on a consistent basis is an obvious one…

You get good at writing.

And I don’t mean kind of good. I mean extremely good.

The core mechanics of writing are the core mechanics of speaking.

The same way we speak, listen, argue, laugh, tell stories and more, is the same way we do it in writing.

Some people don’t realize they are great at communicating and writing is a perfect medium to take create content that has a lasting impact.

You will be surprised at how fast you can get good at writing essays, captions, stories and more.

Pro tip: If you’re a talker, take that skill (yes, it’s a skill) and unbound it by using text-to-speech features. Thank me later ;) .

Another great benefit of writing on a daily basis is the improvement of your mental health.

I know it sounds like nonsense but I’m very serious.

When you make a song, you have to Collab with the producer, the engineer, other artists, and of course the groupies.

When you make a video you need the talent, the videographer, and your little cousin to hold up the boom stick to record audio.

When you want to write a book, an email, a landing page, or even a Tinder bio guess who’s there…

It’s you, yourself, and I. (Okay, that’s definitely not the phrase. Me, myself, and you? Doesn’t matter, you get it.)

Writing is a solitary sport.

And solitary sports gives you one more reason to spend time with yourself.

That alone time, where you get to think to yourself, is when a lot of mental peace is discovered.

I look forward to my writing time.

It’s cathartic.

It’s like therapy with myself.

And it only gets even better if you’re writing about the things truly on your mind.

The last benefit I’ll leave you with today (because there are hundreds) is one of my favorite.

Writing daily.

About anything.

For a year.

Will teach you one very important lesson.

Great things are built one step at a time.

I personally took the challenge to write once daily for a year, and at the end of that year I was shocked at what I discovered.

I looked at all my writings combined and realized that I effectively wrote an entire autobiography of my life in mind.

And crazily enough, this year my best friend went and published those writings into a complete physical book for me!

It’s something I hold close to my heart because of how vulnerable I was in those writings.

But I learned, and I want you to learn, that writing once a day for a year can materialize what some describe as a life-work.

Real skyscrapers are built one brick at a time.

If you learn the habit of daily action, there’s no telling how high you’ll g…

In progress,

Tim Lightwork.

Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at wip.email.




Written by EntrepreneurTim

28 year old Cofounder of Sparketh.com(as seen on SharkTank). Sharing my best startup tactics on growth for FREE. Founder? Join us at http://wip.email

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