Why Ignoring The Law of Averages Will Forever Keep You Unsuccessful
The ambition to be successful is an innate human characteristic.
It doesn’t matter if you’re not into finances or becoming a millionaire.
You may still want success in school or with your family life.
The drive to succeed at what we do, is half the reason we’re all here on this Earth.
But that’s another day’s topic.
A more pressing issue is the sad reality that many of us have no idea how to obtain success.
Many of us see success as this elusive creature that exists only in the best written fairytales.
But then we see some 40-something year old guy fly by in his candy red Ferrari and it snaps us out of our daydream.
We know success is actually possible in the real world.
“It’s just not possible for ‘normal’ people like you and me.”
Many of us believe the only path to success is just plain luck.
You have to literally hit the lotto…or you have to be lucky enough to have some random talent agent scout you off YouTube and turn you into a popstar.
There’s no inbetween.
But that’s so far from the truth it hurts to say out loud.
The truth is, there is a very literal, simple, and basic path to creating any life you dream of.
You just haven’t discovered it. But that’s why Mr. Lightwork works for you.
I’ve discovered the secret to achieving any life goal you can imagine.
Literally anything in the world you want to be.
And it’s called the Law of Averages.
Before I get into the details let’s clear up a few things.
In life there is a Yin to every Yang, and a dark to every light.
The game of life, is really just a balancing act.
Many of us are way too far on one end of the spectrum and so we strive to reach the other.
Famous people want to be more lowkey and private. Everyday lowkey people want to be more famous.
People who are naturally overweight want to be skinnier. And the naturally skinny want to be bigger, stronger, or thicker.
That is the plight of life.
So back to the Law of Averages.
Many people believe who they are today and who they want to be are extremely far polar opposites.
“I’m financially stressed now and I want to be very rich one day. That’s going to take a lifetime.”
Not with the Law of Averages.
The Law of Averages states, “You are the result of your averages.”
This is amazing news for anyone that is trying to become a better version of yourself.
Think about it.
If you’re extremely unhealthy and unfit. You are only that way because ON AVERAGE you make unhealthy and unfit decisions.
If you want to be fit, you don’t have to get a six pack, you don’t have to run 20+ miles, you don’t have to eat only salads.
To truly be fit, ON AVERAGE, you need to make fit decisions. This means eat clean, or go for walks, or do a physical hobby more times than you don’t.
This is hard for many people to grasp but it’s truly a simple concept.
The average line is so much more achievable than we think.
Let’s break it down even simpler.
If in a weeks time I normally am considered anti-social, but I want to be a social person here’s what I need to do…
Break down a week into it’s parts…7 days.
Find the balance line. 3 1/2 days is the middle.
And do, be, or practice my desired goal for just enough time to clear that tipping point.
If I go out to a party 4 days out of those 7 days, then by definition, in the frame of a week, I was a social person.
Now imagine taking that concept and compounding it over years or even decades.
No matter how nervous, shy, or weird I was, if more than HALF of the time in my life I was doing social things, nobody could deny that I was officially a social person.
This applies to all your goals and dreams.
You can be whoever you want to be. And it doesn’t take a lifetime.
All it takes is doing that positive thing MORE times than you don’t do it.
To be financially responsible, fit, spontaneous, or anything of the likes you don’t have to do some complete life overhaul.
You just have to use the Law of Averages in your favor.
If you do the things you aspired to more than you don’t do them, you become the person you dream of.
And that will lead you to accomplish any goal.
ON AVERAGE be a better version of you, and over time you just may become the best version of y…
In progress,
Tim Lightwork
Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at wip.email.