The One Thing Stopping Good Achievers From Being High Achievers
These days being a high achiever is more prestigious than being a millionaire or having a doctorate degree.
The problem is being a millionaire or becoming a doctor has a very straightforward roadmap.
You go to school for 12+ years or invest in top notch real estate and voila!
But if you want to become a high achiever in any area of life, you’re stuck with thousands of YouTube videos from people that probably haven’t achieved much.
You can research for days, read books, and get expert advice but still have no idea how to level up from good to great.
I know this because I’ve been in this exact spot for most of my twenties.
I consumed nothing but self improvement content and watched Shark Tank for fun.
But it seemed impossible to break out from being good achiever.
Then one day when working on my business I realized that my approach to business was exactly what I needed as human trying to reach high achievement.
It became clear that there was one thing stopping good achievers from being high achievers.
And if you’re not doing this one thing, you’re basically shooting yourself in the foot.
Let me ask you a question…
What if you have been doing everything right to be in the top 1% but you didn’t know it?
I know it sounds crazy.
How could I be doing everything exactly right to be extremely accomplished and not know that I’m doing everything right?
It doesn’t make sense.
But what if I told you it does?
Because on that random day of working on business that’s exactly what I realized is happening for most good achievers.
If you have put in the work to become good at your craft, you are doing things right.
But if you don’t start measuring your progress you may never reach the level of being great.
I’ll explain that again but simpler.
The actions required to be good are 99% identical to the actions needed to be great.
But the great are constantly assessing to make the 1% adjustments needed to break through.
So if you’re pretty good at basketball, that’s a good sign.
But if you want to be the next Lebron James or Steph Curry, you’ll never break through without measuring your shooting percentage and other stats.
You already practice and put the time in.
But if you don’t use numbers, data, and assessment you’ll never know where and how to practice next.
You’re basically shooting in the dark.
This goes for every single area of life you can imagine.
If you’re pretty good at meeting new people and becoming friends, but you’re struggling to find a relationship…
You need to start assessing.
Ask your ex, closest friends, or current love interest for some objective feedback.
You can get pretty far in life throwing food at the wall.
But at some point you’ll have to throw that food like a game of darts to see more progress.
Imagine Steph Curry going to practice every day and just shooting around.
He’d be pretty cool ball player.
But if he’s trying to win 4 championship rings then he’s going to have to measure every shot and every gram of food he consumes.
And the same goes for you.
If you’re already good, it’s time to use data and assessment to become great.
Because for high achievers life isn’t just a game, it’s a numbers ga…
In progress,
Tim Lightwork
Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at