How to Skyrocket Your Career Past All Your Coworkers
First things first, I’ve never had a real job.
I know you’re tempted to stop reading right now… but don’t.
I’ve never had a real job…and that’s exactly why you should listen.
Instead of being the person putting in applications trying to search for jobs…
I’ve been doing the opposite.
I’ve been sorting through hundreds of basic resumes and cover letters for years now.
I’ve hired people from all over the world to join my company.
So it’s safe to say, I know what stands out.
And even more so than what stands out…I know what sticks around.
If you really want to have a breakout career that’s worthy of a whole book tour one day then listen up.
There is one thing and one thing only that makes a difference when it comes to progressing through any career.
You don’t need to be the son of the boss.
You don’t need to negotiate the highest salary.
You don’t need to always be searching for better opportunities. (Actually, that’s a major red flag for employers.)
The secret to exploding your career trajectory past your coworkers is to simply care.
“OMG Tim, really? Why are you wasting my time with the obvious?”
Oh trust me, it’s so obvious but not obvious at the same time.
Many people put all the effort in the first few weeks interviewing for a company.
You iron your dress, and make sure you tie the perfect Windsor knot in your tie.
You show up 15 minutes early to your job interviews and you make an effort to befriend the hiring manager.
You bring coffee and doughnuts for everyone at the hiring event and make sure to leave a lasting impression.
And that impression lasts for all of 5 1/2 days.
Because the very first week of being hired, you forget all of that.
You wear whatever you want, you don’t greet anyone, and you clock in and out ONLY for the minutes assigned on your shift.
That’s like being catfished on Tinder!
You’d freak out if a guy did everything to be Mr. Right and then the day after the wedding he turned into a slob.
That’s what majority of the world does when it comes to their careers.
They really don’t care.
They aren’t trying to thrive, they’re trying to survive.
And no matter what company you work at, that’s never going to get anyone’s attention.
What hiring managers, founders, and GMs around the world are looking for is simply people that care.
The people that care about what the company is doing for the world.
I don’t care if you work at Kellogg’s, the founder woke up one day and decided they wanted to change the world by creating the best cereals ever!
If you don’t care about that mission, you don’t belong on that team.
Every founder, every company, every manager is on a journey up Mt. Everest. A journey that many people freeze and die to death on the way up.
And for whatever reason, even with death and failure looming, they still trek along trying to reach the top.
Why would they want to add someone to the team that is easily going to jump ship, that that doesn’t like hiking, that doesn’t care about reaching the top?
They wouldn’t.
If you want to breakout past your coworkers, all you have to do is truly care about what your mission is every day you clock in.
And one of the best ways to do that is by asking, “How ELSE can I help with our mission?”
Go above and beyond at your job, and your career will reach the sta…
In progress,
Tim Lightwork.
Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at