How To Perfectly Time Anything In Life
Wouldn’t it be great if you could perfectly time everything you want to in life.
It’s impossible. Yet people still try.
You go to the gas station and try to buy the perfect lotto ticket at the perfect time that just so happens to have $100,000 under the scratch-off.
But it’s just another free ticket.
You try to buy some stocks in Tesla or Dogecoin right before it pops off and you quadruple your investment.
But instead you end up being one day off and have to sell for a 10% loss.
The truth is timing is a major key to success.
If we could just have the power to have perfect timing, we could unlock a world full of greatness.
Well lucky for you, I’ve learned how to master timing…
for anything.
The problem we have when it comes to our timing, is that we all want to be pinpoint accurate snipers.
We want to post a Youtube video one time, and it be the perfect time that it immediately pops off.
But that’s the wrong mindset to embody.
Imagine if you were a sniper in World War 2 and you had to make the shot on a tough to see target.
If you don’t hit the target, by the end of the night, he’s going to call in an airstrike in the morning and wipe out your entire squad.
Sheesh, I didn’t realize this metaphor would get so intense.
But hey, it gets the point across.
What would be your strategy to take out this target?
Most people would sit there and try to analyze the perfect shot, and time it perfectly.
But you know what I can guarantee you wouldn’t do.
You wouldn’t load your sniper up with one bullet.
Because it makes no sense.
If you miss the shot, you should have a full magazine ready to go with backup shots, to make sure you get the target.
And that’s the secret to timing.
So many people play life like it’s a game of luck when in reality it’s a game of skill.
And the skill you need to master timing is discipline.
Show up each and every opportunity you get and you’ll increase your odds of success.
Results don’t come from perfect timing, it comes from consistent ones.
So instead of posting that one Youtube video and hoping you nailed the perfect upload time, upload many videos and post them often.
Shoot you could even post the same video over and over and over again.
At some point the timing will be perfect.
And people will be asking you how did you know to post a video about “Things to do stuck at home” right before we went on lockdown?!
And you’ll just smile and think about all the times you posted that same video but the “timing” wasn’t right.
Only you and I will know that there was no perfect timing, there was consistent timing.
Don’t play games of luck, play…
In progress,
Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at