How to get more done with less…and no it’s not “multi-tasking”
“If your business depends on you, you don’t own a business — you have a job. And it’s the worst job in the world because you’re working for a lunatic!”― Michael E. Gerber, The E-Myth Revisited
These days society teaches us that we have to do more with less.
And that’s not a horrible message. It encourages efficiency.
But the actual effect that it has on us fragile human beings is much more sinister.
When confronted with the challenge of doing more with less, we usually think of one strategy.
The M word.
Young me used to aspire to be the best multi-tasker in the world.
But present me gets a little queasy every time I hear the M word.
Today, multi-tasking is the bane of most people’s inefficiency.
And I probably don’t have to explain to you why trying to be good at 10 things makes you really bad at everything.
So I’ll just jump into the solution.
Linear tasking.
Work through projects in a very strict linear process and you’ll reap the real rewards of the human brain.
Here’s the process.
Do it slow. Do it thorough.
No matter the task, do it one time all the way through. Don’t skip, rush, or strategize.
Just do the steps in front of you.
And if you want bonus points, write them all down.
THEN, once you’ve done the walkthrough, we can upgrade to the playthrough.
Do it again. But find every shortcut or hack to get it done quicker.
Write it all down. In explicit detail.
If a 7 year old can’t replicate your success, then you didn’t explain the steps thoroughly enough.
And then and only then, can you outsource this task.
And by out-source, I mean NOT you.
You can have a friend, an employee, a spouse, an intern, an AI script, a nephew, a…I’m going to stop there because I don’t want to break any weird labor laws…but you get the point.
The key to success with the new way of multi-tasking, is realizing that the “multi” part has nothing to do with you.
You do it once and do it well. And you create all the checklist, guides, and example videos needed for any random Joe to come along and recreate your success.
You outsource. You find the next high-value task. And you repeat.
That’s the new multi-task.
And it’s the only way to create high-quality results at scale.
But don’t take my word for it.
Take the words you’re reading right now being generated by some random AI.
Just kidding.
But that would be cra…
In progress,
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