How Anyone Can Be Less Un-creative

3 min readDec 23, 2022


There’s a really great question you should ask your five closest friends today.

“Would you say that I’m a ‘creative’?”

As you read that question and imagine your friends answering it, you probably land in one of three groups.

One. Your friends will absolutely say yes.

Two. Your friends will absolutely say no.

Or three. You could only dream of having so many friends. It’s okay young introvert. They will come one day.

If you’re in group one.

You’re lucky. Take that creative talent and foster the hell out of it.

Go inspire the world with your unique perspective and the things you create.

Everyone else…

You are the majority.

Most people are not creative in the slightest.

The people that consider stick drawings their highest level of effort.

The people that only listen to music because their local grocery store plays Hot 107 while they shop.

The people that sadly have never had a favorite color. But they might have a favorite spreadsheet template.

For those people, there is one thing I need you to know.

You ARE creative. You just have to channel it.

Every single person is creative when you think about it.

Creativity is the skill of being inventive or applying a unique perspective to something.

And if there’s anything each and every human being on Earth has, it’s a unique perspective.

Nobody has seen the things you have seen.

Nobody has thought exactly what you think.

Nobody has experience the world the way you have specifically experienced the world.

So take that unique experience and share it.

That is being creative.

And for the truly uncreative non of this is moving the needle because they’ve been taught that creativity is a gene.

“You can’t become creative.”

And to whichever crazy math teacher is drilling these false narratives into the mind of young kids, I say…

You’re right.

You can’t become creative because you already are.

But you can become un-creative.

Every adult that’s been forced to be more like everyone else knows this.

And now it’s time to change that.

Here’s a simple trick to release the inner creativity you’ve been withholding.

Get a journal or maybe just a notes app on your phone.

Title it, “My Creative Ideas”.

It has to say that.

One so you get a daily reminder that you ARE creative.

And two, so if anyone ever doubts your creativity that journal will be your “proof” haha.

What you want to do is make a point not to force yourself to be ingenious or creative.

Make a point to document ideas.

The silly, the funny, the crazy, the weird, the boring.

Document them all.

Put it in a bulleted list so there’s no pressure for fancy formatting.

Every day when you go throughout your day, write the things that inspire you.

A funny ad. Write it.

A sad story. Write it.

A fire rap lyric. Write it.

As long as it gets your mind to think, you’re doing it right.

When you want to practice being more creative, you open up this journal and dive more into your ideas.

Take the time to go and look up that funny ad and try to dissect why it’s so hilarious.

Then try to script your own funny ad.

Before you know it, you’ll be thinking completely out of the box.

And that’s where true creative potential is harnessed.

You think you aren’t creative, because your mind never gets the chance to show you it’s creative potential.

Thinking shouldn’t only be reserved for your 9 to 5.

The more you write in your idea journal, and give value to the ideas you have on an everyday basis, the more confidence you’ll have in your creativity.

Be creative. Because you are.

And if all else fails, at least you’ll have a cool “idea journal” to look creative whenever you w…

In progress,

Tim Lightwork.

Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at




Written by EntrepreneurTim

28 year old Cofounder of seen on SharkTank). Sharing my best startup tactics on growth for FREE. Founder? Join us at

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