Emotional Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

6 min readMay 14, 2019


The first law of Thermodynamics. Energy can not be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred into another form of energy. Physical energy of two sticks rubbing together creates a spark of light energy and ultimately a fire with heat energy. That’s easy enough to understand. Our emotional energy works the same way.

But what on earth is emotional energy and how does it relate? First of all, I’m no Einstein. My friend Dwayne Walker shared a short thesis on how all humans are connected physically, mentally, and emotionally. Before reading this post, you should seriously check out his article first. It opened my eyes to a whole new perspective on humanity. But I was stuck on the whole emotional energy part. After thinking about this idea for weeks, I finally concluded that emotional energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

What is Emotional Energy?

The simple idea is that humans affect each others’ emotions. One nice act done to you, essentially makes you act more positive. That chain goes on and on. It works with anger, anxiety, and every other emotion. We can almost all think of times others’ emotional energy has affected our own. The easiest visualization is a droplet into water and the ripple effect it has on the world.

The problem with that visualization was the drop. Where is this one drop of water coming from? Where is this new emotional energy coming from that is affecting the world? And that was the realization. There are no droplets. We can not create new emotional energy. We are only passing on the energy that was passed on to us.

When you breakdown in tears in the arms of your spouse, they get some of that sadness themselves. And sometimes if you’re passing enough emotional energy, your spouse will start shedding tears as well. They may go on to be a little more sad in their day and spread parts of your emotional energy to their coworkers.

Friction with Emotional Energy

But if the emotional energy is passed on, shouldn’t the person cry just as hard as you? Not exactly. All the emotional energy doesn’t pass on, some is left behind in the person. Friction is the resistance of two objects exchanging energy. Emotional energy has the same effect. If you go to someone who’s sad and depressed trying to make them happy and smile it doesn’t happen instantaneously. There is friction between happy and sad because they are polar opposites. It takes time to get that sad person slowly finding joy again.

On the other hand, when two similar emotions join together they will multiply. If you take a small fire and add it to another small fire they combine to make a big fire. In the same way, when two happy people get together, they will have the time of their lives. We’ve all seen that group of friends having a blast on the dance floor all by themselves. Their emotional energy is in sync and therefore multiplies.

This is the same reason why people feel very uncomfortable around people who are “Debbie Downers.” The thing is, they don’t have a problem with the person but rather the emotional energy they give off. Happy people like positive emotional energy. And sad people can easily kick it with a group of other sad people listening to depressing songs.

Creating Emotional Energy

But if emotional energy is never created, what happens when new babies are born? Babies are born as blank slates. They don’t create new emotional energy but rather are passed down emotional energy from their parents and caretakers. The cries they have as babies are very primal. They need milk or a diaper change. As they get older the emotional energy they’ve been passed down starts to show. Now they may cry because they’re sad they lost a toy or throw a tantrum because they can’t have a new one.

Millions of new humans are born every day and if there’s no new emotional energy we would all be getting dull. Think about a cup of tea. You have one flavorful cup of tea but then you add more and more water every day. The tea and the emotions of everyone on earth will be watered down leaving us to feel nothing. There’s no way that’s happening, right?

Well think about people in today’s society. Everyone is in a state of greyness and feels a little more dull than the years before. The numbers of people running to drugs, alcohol, or sex are growing at an alarming rate. We’re all trying to find ways to feel something again. Sometimes it means getting high to feel a sense of euphoria. Other times we’re having casual sex to just to stimulate us. With the overpopulation of earth, the emotions of the world gets more diluted.

Destroying Emotional Energy

But this doesn’t mean that we’re all doomed for a colorless life because babies are evil. Unfortunately, millions of people around the world die every day as well. This sucks but it happens almost as frequently as people are born. We almost always have emotional energy in us. So what happens when someone dies with all that emotional energy within them?

Death is the release of all your emotional energy. When a grandfather, sibling, or even friend passes away it is very sad. And no matter what we’re doing before, we take the time to stop and pay respects to this loved one usually with a funeral. The emotional energy the person had usually transfers over to their loved ones. The sadness they had will ultimately spread to all the people at their funeral, making them sad as well.

You don’t even have to attend the funeral and the emotional energy will pass on to you. It doesn’t get destroyed, but rather passed on to the people their death affects. And even if they had happiness, it passes on too. Many people cry from sadness when they lose a friend. But other people cry tears of joy, happy they are in better place or that they are no longer suffering. That is the happiness and positive emotional energy being passed on from that person.


Our emotional energy gets passed back and forth throughout the whole world. We are all connected. And our emotional energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This is the new First Law of Emotional Energy. And there are many more points to be touched on like karma, mixed emotions, and trauma. But those are topics for another day.

Today we should use this information to view the world from a whole new perspective. Our environment and the people we spend time around is very important. And we should try to be positive more often because we never know who is feeling that emotional energy. Babies are very impressionable and feel what we feel. And we should cherish the life and emotions of the people we lose. Always remember these things because your emotional energy will forever be a part of the world’s energy.

Thanks for reading.

Stay creative,





Written by EntrepreneurTim

28 year old Cofounder of Sparketh.com(as seen on SharkTank). Sharing my best startup tactics on growth for FREE. Founder? Join us at http://wip.email

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