All Your Knowledge Is Worthless Unless You Apply This 1 Trick

3 min readFeb 22, 2023


Growing up I had an unreasonable appetite for knowledge.

I would love reading books, listening in to adults convos, and browsing the web.

Don’t get me started on how much I browsed the web.

From as early as I can remember, knowledge was the one thing I couldn’t live without.

To 12 year old Tim, knowledge was the key to everything.

Now many years later, I still have the same thirst to learn as much as I can.

But I don’t.

Along the way, young Tim was exposed to one realization that changed the world around me forever.

I now know that knowledge alone is not power.

And I know you’re immediately thinking, “I’ve heard this message before yada yada, you have to take action.”

But you’re wrong.

We’ll you’re right that you need to apply action for real results in life, but as far as what changed my perspective, no. It doesn’t really have to do with action.

It’s so much simpler and obvious than that.

And everyone that blindly absorbs knowledge and information without this perspective is literally wasting their time.

But because you’re a true WIP, I’ll share with you the one mental trick to unlock the power of knowledge.

I’m a little scared to share this because so many people are focused on only doing things that can make them better.

It’s all about me, me, me.

And I was the same.

But because I learned the true power of knowledge, I will let go of my ego and share.

And that’s exactly the key.

I know it doesn’t make sense. But I’ll explain it.

Sharing is the key.

The true power of knowledge comes from the act of sharing it.

Young Tim never knew this and he hoarded all these facts, ideas, and insights.

But it wasn’t until life reminded me that I am human, mortal, temporary that I realized all this knowledge would go to waste when I died.

And there I realized that knowledge in a dead man’s head is useless.

But knowledge shared is limitless.

Think about it.

If everyone throughout all of history never and I mean NEVER shared any of their knowledge we would all still be in the Stone Ages.

I mean you know how long it would take me to learn how to make fire or design a lightbulb.

You could completely forget about trying to make an airplane or anything even slightly advanced.

You see, we’re all living on the knowledge and experiences of those who came before us.

And that knowledge multiplies and compounds with each human that learns it.

I couldn’t see that when I was younger.

Many people today hoard hundreds of books worth of knowledge, and never share a word of insight.

If you learn anything in your life, it’s your responsibility to share it.

It took me a few years to learn this concept.

But centuries ago cavemen and other ancient humans realized their knowledge alone is worthless.

And so they started depicting images and stories on the walls to share their knowledge through hieroglyphs.

And many decades later with the printing press, we humans created books to share knowledge even faster and further.

And now the internet is like lightning fast highway for sharing information.

The fact that you can consume my knowledge wherever you are in the world within minutes of me sharing it, is amazing.

But every time you read a book, an article, or have a “eureka” moment in the shower, and you don’t write, video, or speak it…

You’re taking us one step back to the Dark Ages.

Share your knowledge.

That’s where the true power lie…

In progress,

Tim Lightwork

Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at




Written by EntrepreneurTim

28 year old Cofounder of seen on SharkTank). Sharing my best startup tactics on growth for FREE. Founder? Join us at

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