4 Secrets The Elite Use For High Level Networking
There are a few things that the elite are doing that nobody speaks about.
I’m not going to start with any boring cliché's.
Today I don’t want to motivate you with why networking is this or that.
If you decided to read this, then you already know how important networking is.
And chances are you’ve tried to make an effort to get better at it.
But every piece of advice you get on the web is about all the basics.
The obvious things like being more social, getting business cards, or using social media.
I won’t say they’re wrong but it’s so hilariously basic a 5th grader could of shared it.
I’ve been in the world of business, startups, and corporate America for at least 7 years now.
And I’ve had meetings with everyone from Fortune 500 CEO’s, to Forbes list verified billionaires.
There are a few things that the elite are doing that nobody speaks about.
And while I’ll never be the best, because I’m an introvert that rarely wants to meet new people, I’ve used networking to open doors I surely had no business entering.
Today I’m going to share with you 4 powerful secrets the elite use for high level networking.
Ignore them at your own risk.
Use them with your own accountability.
Let’s get into it.
#1. Network Your Added Value
The conventional way of thinking is to list out what you want, and then find people that have it.
“I want to raise funding for my startup, let me go and try to meet people that are connected with wealthy investors.”
That’s a good start, but what happens when you meet the investor?
You become a beggar.
You try to beg and plead your way into getting them to write a check.
The elite turn that thinking on it’s head.
They go out of their way to find people they know they can add value to.
You see the best place to be in any relationship, is a position of providing for others.
That makes you useful, and valuable.
And people feel indebted to those that truly add value to their life.
You should always find people to network with, where you have something they need.
Because then you will instantly shoot up to the top of their network.
And you definitely have a lot to offer. Time, expertise, your connections, your skills, and more.
#2. Network Around Assumed Traits
Another flaw with the way many people network, is they look to network with any and everyone whenever they get a chance.
That’s a waste of time and energy.
We’re humans. And that means we have physical limits to everything we do.
The amount of people you call friends, or acquaintances is no different.
There’s no point in connecting with 500+ people on LinkedIn, if the human brain can only manage 150 friends at a time.
Yes, we can only be so popular.
So instead of networking with everyone, anywhere, for any reason…
Network with efficiency and intention.
If you want to meet business professionals, go to business events.
It’s obvious that business people are at business events. That’s easy to assume.
If you want to meet athletes, are you just going to network with every person on your college campus?
No. Network in the gym.
Know what traits you’re looking for. And network in places where those traits are assumed.
It’s a simple concept, that will save you thousands of wasted hours.
#3. Network Forward
Networking forward is one of the most powerful secrets on this list.
And this won’t apply well for everyone.
But if you are under the age of 50, and you interact with people that you know have a bright future, you better be using this tactic.
Everyone wants to try and network with the rich, famous, and successful once they’ve accomplished something.
But why compete with 100 other random Joe’s, when you can invest early and reap the rewards later.
The concept of networking forward simply means, in five or ten years who will you wish you knew?
A doctor, a lawyer, a CEO, an Olympian athlete?
Okay, now who do you know that’s on the track to become that in the next 5 years?
Those are the people you should network with today.
There’s no better example of this than the world of startups, where 20-something year old founders hang out and build cool products together and then in 5 years they’re all filthy rich billionaires that know each other.
You couldn’t dare get a meeting with them now.
But when they were just some kids messing around building the next Facebook in their mom’s basement, they would jump at the chance to grab coffee with a stranger.
Network forward.
#4. Reverse-Network With Trait Identifiers
Last but not least, is the simple tactic of reverse-networking with trait identifiers.
It’s easy to do and even easier to understand.
The same way we assume that someone who hangs out at Barnes and Nobles is probably smart, is the same way people assume about us.
It’s sad to think about but it’s just the way humans are hard wired.
We’re simple minded creatures.
But for the elite use this to their benefit.
So if you want to attract people who do drugs, wear hippie style clothes.
If you want to attract people that are into video games, carry around a Nintendo switch everywhere.
If you want to attract entrepreneurs (and I know this works because I personally do this) carry around a book titled “The Eventual Millionaire”. (Great book by the way!)
Every time we step out the house, the things we wear tell a story about who we are.
You can just rock some new Gucci to feel better about yourself, or you can actually put on something that will be subtly attracting (reverse-networking) to help you meet the people that will level you up.
Try it with a book, an instrument, a pin, or even specific jacket or bracelet.
You’d be surprised at how many free connections you make just from wearing one trait identifier.
These are the tactics the elite use everyday to secretly network with the best of the best.
Try one or two yourself, and watch your network launch to the next lev…
In progress,
Tim Lightwork.
Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at wip.email.