3 Reasons Why Walking Is The Single Best Activity You Can Do Right Now!
The simplest things can bring the deepest of joys.
As humans we’re programmed to build and optimize complex systems.
Our cars have to get a little bit faster each year.
Our buildings have to get a little bit taller.
And our phones have to be a little better.
Bigger, better, faster only leads to more complexity.
And while it may be hard to believe, the best things in life are extremely simple.
One activity that will always be helpful is simply taking a walk.
Walking is something so basic that we rarely do it with intention anymore.
If we can’t fly, we’ll drive.
If we can’t drive, we ride a bike.
If we can’t ride, then and only then will most of us choose to walk.
Either that or we lost the remote and HAVE to get up to turn on the TV.
That’s sad.
Walking is powerful if you walk with purpose.
When we walk there are many benefits but for the sake of brevity, I’ll list my top 3.
Walking is a great way to get out of the concrete jungles and wooden closets we hide away in everyday.
There’s so much to see and experience right outside our red brick walls.
You can feel the cool breeze and watch the seasons change day by day.
Think of how many people get their weather notifications from an app.
We shouldn’t need a calendar app to let us know that we’re officially in fall.
Walk in nature and see the true beauty of this Earth.
Secondly, walking is such a simple physical activity but it is great for our health and wellness.
It doesn’t take lifting giant weights and running marathons to be physically fit.
Being fit is simply being able to use the body you were given.
And walking is an activity that is useful, that gets your blood flowing, and that people of all ages and types can participate in.
And if we’re being honest, there are people all over the world who wish and pray that they could just walk one step again.
Imagine one year old you, fighting and clawing on the floor trying to learn how to take your first step.
You fell, you tossed, and you tumbled.
But you stayed resilient and learned how to balance and take not one but many steps.
What happened?
Some of us need to look back and find that drive again.
Walk to keep your body fit and nimble.
It’s what one year old you would of wanted.
And the last and most powerful reason to walk is the mental stimulation.
Walking is one of the simplest activities that is almost guaranteed to give your brain a boost.
I walk when there’s a big problem I need to think through.
And I always gain some kind of new insight.
Many of us walk when we’re having a great phone convo that’s stimulating our mind.
You know what I’m talking about when you’re on an important job interview call and you’re pacing back and forth in your room.
That’s not an accident.
That’s your mind saying, “Hey, give me a boost. I want to be sharp!”
Walking is an easy way to be present and dive deep into your mind.
It’s no wonder that some of the greatest geniuses in history took frequent walks.
I don’t know where the Albert Einstein’s or Elon Musk’s of the world develop their abilities.
But what I do know is this…
The secret is simple.
Simple is the secret.
Next time you want to be sharp, creative, present, funny, thoughtful, or charismatic…
Take a w…
In progress,
Tim Lightwork
Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at wip.email