2 Secret Hacks To Do Anything with 99% Consistency
Goooood morning my fellow WIPs!
We’re 4 people strong…well technically 3 because my girlfriend counts for 2 haha.
But I’m still feeling like we’re going to conquer the world today.
I hope everything in your life is moving forward.
Today I’m going to share some mental jiu-jitsu you can use to do anything FOREVER with 99% consistency.
So if you’re ready…let’s make some progress!
Everyone has different goals in life.
I mean yeah, we all want health, wealth, and love.
Literally, every desire, wish, goal, and ambition we have can be traced back to these three core tenets.
But different people have different priorities.
For the last seven years, I’ve been majorly focused on the wealth part.
While maybe teenagers in high school aren’t worried about wealth or “staying fit”… they just want to get their crush to go to prom with them.
Love is at the top of their list.
But here’s what I learned as I got older that blew my mind.
Every single goal, no matter in which area it is, has really simple steps to reach.
You want wealth.
Learn to sell something. Honestly anything. And then sell it over and over and over again.
You want health.
Eat a clean diet.
Then do it again everyday.
And if you’re really serious, do a physical activity that makes you break a sweat.
Oh yeah, and do it again and again and again.
Same with love.
Learn to listen.
Meet people and be social.
Be kind and compassionate.
Do it over and over again and love will seem to materialize out of thin air.
It’s crazy. Every single goal you have can be accomplished with the simplest of actions done consistently.
And therein lies the problem.
Humans SUCK at being consistent.
Be honest.
How many times have you promised your dentist that you would floss every single day no matter what going forward?
And when was the last time you flossed for a week straight?
Sheesh I haven’t flossed in months. And no using a floss stick to pick some food out your mouth doesn’t count.
But okay, seriously.
The problem we all have is being consistent with the things we know we want to do.
And that’s where I have spent a large amount of time exploring and researching.
How do I develop more will power? More discipline? More control over my actions?
Mind over matter, emotions, notifications, dessert, and anything else trying to take me off my path.
Here’s the 2 secrets I use to do pretty much ANYTHING for FOREVER without fail.
1. The 2 Year Rule
Many people don’t realize that their problem isn’t being consistent with what they choose to do.
Their problem is choosing to do too much. And I mean wayyyyy too much.
You’re not superwoman. You can’t do everything ya know.
The 2 Year Rule is a simple mindset shift to be more strict about the things that journeys we choose to embark on.
If you don’t imagine yourself doing X for at least 2 years, then don’t even start.
Research has shown (And no I’m not going to spend an hour trying to hunt the actual research paper down when I know you’re not going to read it. So just trust me.) that on average it takes at least 2 years to become successful with any goal, project, or endeavor.
Think about that.
If you’re going to try to get in the best shape of your life, you will need AT LEAST 2 years to get there.
If you want to start an online business that replaces all your main income… 2 Years.
And that’s on the good side.
I’ve been working on my main business for 7 years now still in pursuit of reaching that million dollar milestone we set out to achieve.
The 2 Year Rule should make it much easier to turn down opportunities, projects, and endeavors that you just know aren’t going to reach that 2 year mark.
If you wouldn’t do it for 2 years, you probably shouldn’t do it all.
That means no more 6 week abs, or 60 day Insanity body transformation programs lol.
2. The 2 Times Rule
The second mental mindset shift for consistency is a simple standard that we can all uphold.
The 2 Times Rule says to never miss 2 times in a row.
That sounds like an oversimplification of the rule but that really is all there is to it.
If you say you’re going to go the gym every single day for at least 30 minutes, then do that.
But at some point in time something will happen to throw you off.
As humans we constantly expect perfection in what is so obviously an imperfect world.
You might get sick or get injured or forget the gym closes early on holidays, or be traveling out of town.
That’s okay. Things happen. We’re humans.
You missed the gym one time.
But what you can’t do is let that one mistake, roll over into missing it again the second day.
See the mind is a fickle thing.
We can understand one time things happening because our world is unpredictable.
But the moment you let that same thing happen twice in a row, it’s no longer a “mistake”…
It’s a pattern.
And once your mind decides or we’re not hitting the gym.
Day 3, 4, 5 will fly by without you even attempting to go.
Don’t let one off incidents catch momentum.
Once is okay.
Twice is failure.
Take the rule and apply it to anything you want to do consistently and you will always keep the momentum you need to keep going.
That’s it.
2 simple rules for a lifetime of succe…
In progress,
Tim Lightwork.
Read my personally written insightful letters on growth every other day at wip.email