17 Things You Have To Stop Wasting Money On
Everything you need to become rich is around you. Many have come and done it before. But the people who are born poor, live poor, and forever stay poor have one thing in common.
They waste money.
Your networth is a result of your relationship with money compounded over time.
Here are a few things that the average person wastes their money on…
- Cable Television
Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime combined is probably much less than your current cable bill. Cable charges you for the hundreds of channels you never touch. Waste of money.
- Coupons
Coupons aren’t always as valuable as they seem. If there’s a killer deal for something get it. But nine times out of ten, coupons trick us into buying things we didn’t know we wanted… Because we didn’t. Don’t let coupons influence you into spending more money.
- Brand Name Products
Every brand name product has a generic alternative that’s 99% exactly the same. Most times when you buy brand name, you’re paying extra for a nice logo and a catchy slogan.
- Buying Things While Desperate
Our emotions and physiology are powerful. If you’re hungry, you’ll buy much more food than you need. If you’re cold, you’ll spend more on the nicest jacket you can find. Don’t wait until you’re desperate. Go shopping when you don’t need things not the other way around.
- Buying Snacks At The Gas Station
Making a one off purchase for a drink is fine. But when you’re making one off purchases almost twice a day, it starts to add up. Bring drinks and snacks with you everywhere. You pay a premium for gas station snacks.
- Simple Car Maintenance
We fear what we don’t know. Naturally, the first sign of a oil or engine light prompts us to call a mechanic. You pay extra for what you don’t understand. A lot of basic car maintenance can be handled with five bucks and a free youtube tutorial.
- Energy Drinks
Energy drinks are expensive. If you need a drink just to get through a work day, you’ll end up spending hundreds a year just to stay productive. Improve your sleep and don’t waste hundreds a year on legal poison.
- Different Cleaning Products
Dirty is dirty and clean is clean. Most times you don’t need a new spray, glove, and scrub for every little surface. You waste money when you buy ten different cleaning products where one general cleaning product would work. Don’t waste money on fancy cleaning products that you could make with a little lemon water and soap.
- Expensive Addictions
Addictions are scary because they can take control of your life. We start making decisions in accordance to the addiction rather than our wellbeing. And we’re all addicted to something. But addictions like coffee, cigarettes, drugs, and gambling can virtually burn holes in your wallet. Save money by working on recovery and better addiction management.
- New Clothing
New clothes cost more for no reason. The biggest trends will have the biggest prices. Buy gently used clothing and save thousands. Sell old clothing to fund new clothes. Buy clothing off-season when things are on sale. If you’re entitled or too lazy, you’ll pay for the new clothes you think you need.
- Individually Packed Items
A full pineapple is much cheaper than pineapple slices. Individually packaged bottles of lemonade is much more expensive than a box of lemonade mix. Even cheaper is buying lemons and a bag of sugar. You pay a premium for each package, slice, or box. Save money by buying in bulk or whole and packing things yourself.
- Disorganization
Every lost Apple charger, Playstation controller, and Beats headphone will cost you. Those misplaced items will add up over the years. Get organized and stop wasting money on locksmithing new car keys, finding lost jewelry, or buying new phones.
- Grocery Trips
Every time you step foot in a grocery store you’re bound to spend money. Often times you’ll spend much more money than you expected to. Budget out your grocery needs and only go to the grocery store on a specific schedule. Grocery stores are designed to make you spend money. Stop wasting money by not making unnecessary grocery trips.
- Bad Health/Hygiene Habits
It’s hard to visualize but you pay for every day you go without brushing your teeth or eating right. The damage you do to your body with bad health habits happens slowly over time. Eventually, you pay the doctor, dentist, and other bills to fix what you broke. Take care of your body now and save yourself from expensive problems later.
- Credit/Debit Cards
Cash is a lot harder to spend than money on a card. Every card swipe detachs you from the cash you’re actually spending. You’re more likely to overspend when you use credit and debit cards where you don’t see the money rushing out your account.
- Heating/Cooling Services
Again ignorance costs a premium in life. You don’t always need a professional AC company to come in and fix your whole AC unit. You’re often overpaying. With effective home insulation, you can save hundreds not overpaying AC bills or maintenance companies.
- In-game Purchases
Free games aren’t a great deal when you become hooked on buying new outfits and stickers. In game purchases will cost you more than buying a premium game. If you don’t have the discipline to play without pulling out your card, then you can’t afford that free game or app. Disconnect all your cards and stop wasting money on virtual shoes and currency.
There’s a million and one things to waste money on. The list can go on and on. But you know which ones you personally struggle with. Stop wasting money and with the money you save invest it. That’s the beginning of your financial success story!
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